Specialized Recycling Services - Competitive Market Prices


We Buy Cars
We Buy Cars

Turn your junk into cash today! Call us to find out how.

We pay special pricing for tow vendors with large quantities - please call today.

We have a new yard for all tow vendors - with fast and clean service and top-notch pricing:

5101 York St, Denver, CO 80216

Scrap Metal For Quick Cash
Scrap Metal For Quick Cash

We buy all types of non-ferrous metals: copper, aluminum, brass, bronze, stainless steel and more. We are also certified in data destruction for electronics scrap. Please swing by our non-ferrous door at our Washington property!

Turn your scrap metal into cash today! We're open 7 Days a Week with late hours - please refer to Google Maps for most updated hours - swing by or call 3032971818, if you have any questions!

Rolloff Containers & Transport
Rolloff Containers & Transport

We offer clean and efficient container drop-off and pickup for many industrial accounts - all around the Denver area. We have many different dumpster sizes.

Please contact us today to discuss our variety of containers and transportation options - for all of your environmentally friendly metal recycling needs!

Scrap Metal Pricing Table

Type of Metal Price Unit

Clean Out Your Garage, Get Paid,
Do Your Part For The Environment!

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"Turn that scrap into cash!"

Environmental Benefits Of Denver Scrap Metal Recycling

  • Globally, scrap recycling reduces carbon dioxide emissions an estimated 410 million tons per year!
  • Scrap metal recycling reduces emissions significantly over using iron ore.
  • Recycling one ton of steel conserves 2,500 pounds of iron and 1,400 pounds of coal!
  • Scrap metal can be an environmental hazard which can injure people and animals.
  • Globally, scrap recycling reduces carbon dioxide emissions an estimated 410 million tons per year!

Please refer to Google Maps for most updates hours information!

Contact Us

Please do not use Contact Form for pricing requests. Please call in for pricing information, as prices may change frequently.



Please do not use Contact Form for pricing requests. Please call in for pricing information, as prices may change frequently.

4920 Washington St
Denver, CO 80216, US
Hours of Operation :
Mon - Sat: 8am - 7:30pm
Sun: 10am - 4:30pm

5101 York St.
Denver CO, 80216, US
Hours of Operation :
Mon - Sat: 8am - 7:30pm
Sun: Closed